NPC Advisory Council

The establishment of the NPC is legislated through the National Planning Act, 2024. The Act provides for the establishment of the Advisory Council which is an oversight body responsible for the direction of the affairs and operations of the NPC. The Council is chaired by His Honor the Vice President of the Republic of Botswana while the Office of the Commissioner General serves as the Secretariat.

The Advisory Council shall consist of the following members-

  1. The Minister responsible for Local Government
  2. The Minister responsible for Finance
  3. The Minister responsible for Trade and Industry
  4. The Minister responsible for Land Management
  5. Not less than six and not more than 10 members, appointed by Minister, with expertise or experience in —
    1. development planning,
    2. economics,
    3. public finance,
    4. public policy,
    5. strategic management and planning,
    6. research, science, technology or innovation,
    7. governance,
    8. culture,
    9. law, or
    10. other subjects or fields relevant to the objectives of the Commission: Provided that such a person may be appointed from both the private or public sector.
  • His Honour the Vice President of the Republic of Botswana, Mr Slumber Tsogwane
    His Honour the Vice President of the Republic of Botswana, Mr Slumber Tsogwane
    Chairperson of the National Planning Commission Advisory Council
  • Hon. Kabo N. S. Morwaeng
    Hon. Kabo N. S. Morwaeng
    Minister for State President
  • Hon. Peggy Serame
    Hon. Peggy Serame
    Minister for Finance and Economic Development
  • Hon. Kefentse Mzwinila
    Hon. Kefentse Mzwinila
    Minister for Lands and Water Affairs
  • Hon. Kgotla Autlwetse
    Hon. Kgotla Autlwetse
    Minister for Local Government and Rural Development