National Development Plans

National Development Plans

Since Independence in 1966, Botswana produced a series of National Development Plans (NDPs) starting with Botswana’s Transitional Plan for Social and Economic Development prepared in 1965.  NDPs guide the overall development of the country by outlining strategies, programmes, projects and initiatives to be undertaken over the specified Plan period. 
The Plan contains estimates of revenue expected over the entire period as well as expenditure and human resource growth projections. The preparation of NDPs is preceded by the development of District Development Plans prepared by various district councils, and is consultative in nature, covering all government institutions, the private sector, civil society organizations, local government structures as well as community members. The final draft is adopted by Parliament to inform budgeting each subsequent plan year.

Transitional National Development Plan (TNDP)

Following a rationalization exercise that birthed the National Planning Commission, the second Transitional National Development Plan was developed to allow for the transformation initiatives and will run from April 2023 to March 2025. 
These include aligning the planning period to the political cycle, Involving the political leadership (Cabinet and Parliament) in the early stages of the planning process at each of the major milestones, integrate regional and international agendas into the national planning system, strong alignment of the NDP with Vision 2036, the National Transformation Strategy, and policies and legislation, embrace spatial planning as an important factor in national development planning.

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National Development Plan 12 (NDP 12)

National Planning Commission (NPC) is currently coordinating the development of the National Development Plan 12 (NDP 12) which will be the second in a series of plans to implement Vision 2036. NDP12 is the first plan to embrace the above reforms, especially aligning the plan, its priorities, initiatives and delivery mechanism to the National Transformation Strategy (NTS). The Plan is expected to run for five years from April 2025 to March 2030.

We implore you to stand up and be counted as we journey into the path of prosperity. Remember this is your country Botswana, choose to build it with us.  So play your part and submit your thoughts by contributing to the upcoming NDP 12. click here NDP Submission Form